Monday, 15 October 2012

Comparing Candice and Barbie


You Taste Like Heaven Baby

They should play Jeffree Star's 'So Fierce' whenever Candice enters a room...

Candice Swanopoel Opened My Eyes To 'Sexy Costumes'

Sexy Sailor

 I never got the point of sexy costumes. To me, they are the most un-sexy form of lingerie. Ever. 
But then I found these photos of Candice...

Sexy Soldier
Sexy Cowgirl
Sexy Santa
Sexy Flamenco Dancer (I think)
Sexy Maid
Sexy Ringmaster?
Sexy Cop
And my personal favorite... Sexy Kitten!

 And I completely changed my mind!

Sure, she's forcing the same 'I'm-trying-too-hard-too-be-sexy' expression on her pretty face in almost all of her photos... sure, she uses almost identical so-called seductive poses in each shot... and sure, the costumes are still tacky as hell, but guys, it's Candice for God's sake and if Candice condones 'sexy' costumes, then so will I! Not to mention, she is probably the only woman on this Earth who can wear such unappealing get-ups and still look at least half attractive.

I think Candice could wear a combination of acid wash denim, zubaz pants and Crocs and still look one hundred percent bangable. In fact... let's take a look right here...

Well that's fucking provocative! My point is proven: Candice Swanepoel is unfailingly sexy at all times.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Good Genetics Are A Start

"Hey guys! I'm Candice Swanepoel and I'm better than orgasms and chocolate. I am Barbie in the flesh. I think I must have been carved by fucking angels! Look up 'perfection' in the dictionary and you'll find a picture of me."

Well, anyway... basically this blog is devoted to Candice Swanepoel and how nonpareil she is. For anyone who is not familiar with Candice - and if you're one of those people, how the hell did you get here? - she is a model - no, not a model, an angel - for Victoria's Secret. I'll be posting (hopefully) everyday about Candice, just to remind you of how fucking perfect she is!

So keep checking back for updates! x